Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Rental Deck
レンタルデッキ (Rentaru Dekki)
Icon Rental Deck
DM-Wiki: Article

Rental Decks are a temporary series of deck lists that may be used by the player to play the various game modes.


Upon the release of a new booster set, 3-4 rental decks based on the set will be provided to the players to tryout.

These decks can be selected for use in both PVP and PVE gameplay modes.

  • However, as players aren't able to edit the decks, this option can't be seen while in the deck formation menu.

List of Rental Decks[]

  • For decks that have previously been Rental Decks, see here


Rental Deck Set DMPP-29 LW Miradante Twelve
Light Water Miradante Twelve
Rental Deck Set DMPP-29 Mono Water VV-8
Mono Water VV-8
Rental Deck Set DMPP-29 DF Blackout
Darkness Fire Blackout
Rental Deck Set DMPP-29 Dogiragon Gacha
Dogiragon Gacha
Rental Deck Set DMPP-29 LFN Raizou Arata
Light Fire Nature Raizou Arata