Race | |
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Race is a gameplay characteristic of creature cards in Duel Masters Play's.
Each creature in the game has a race, which appears on the card under its card name.
There are no rules specific to creature races, but there are many cards that support different races.
Shaman Totem draws a card for each race you have in the battle zone.
List of Races[]
- Angel Command
- Angel Command Dragon
- Angel Dragon
- Armored Samurai
- Apollonia Dragon
- Berserker
- Cosmo Walker
- Gladiator
- Guardian
- Initiate
- Justice Orb
- Justice Wing
- Light Bringer
- Mecha Del Sol
- Mecha Thunder
- Rainbow Phantom
- Shine Monster
- Shining Command Dragon
- Soltrooper
- Starlight Tree
- White Command Dragon
- Blue Command Dragon
- Blue Monster
- Crystal Command Dragon
- Crystal Dragon
- Cyber Cluster
- Cyber Command
- Cyber Lord
- Cyber Moon
- Cyber Virus
- Cyber Virus Kai
- Earth Eater
- Fish
- Gel Fish
- Leviathan
- Liquid People
- Liquid People Sen
- Magic Command
- Merfolk
- Poseidia Dragon
- Sea Hacker
- Splash Queen
- The Answer
- ???
- Black Command Dragon
- Brain Jacker
- Chimera
- Dark Knightmare
- Dark Lord
- Dark Monster
- Death Puppet
- Demon Command
- Demon Command Dragon
- Demon Dragon
- Devil Mask
- Funky Knightmare
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Hedrian
- Living Dead
- Pandora's Box
- Parasite Worm
- Zombie Dragon
- Armored Dragon
- Armored Wyvern
- Armorloid
- Big Muscle
- Children
- Dragonoid
- Dune Gecko
- Egg
- Feathernoid
- Flame Command
- Flame Monster
- Fire Bird
- Fire Bird En
- Gaial Command Dragon
- Human
- Human Baku
- King Command Dragon
- Machine Eater
- Mega Command Dragon
- Mega Dragon
- Melt Warrior
- Outrage OMG
- Red Command Dragon
- Rock Beast
- Sonic Command
- Volcano Dragon
- Xenoparts
- Balloon Mushroom
- Beast Folk
- Beast Folk Go
- Colony Beetle
- Earth Dragon
- Emerald Monster
- Gaia Command
- Giant
- Giant Insect
- Guerrilla Command
- Horned Beast
- Jurassic Command Dragon
- Jurassic Dragon
- Mystery Totem
- Snow Faerie
- Snow Faerie Kaze
- Tree Folk
- Tristone
- Wild Veggies
- Wonder Trick
(These races only appear on multicolored cards.)
- Beast Command
- Creator
- Devil Command Dragon
- Draguner Dragon
- Hero
- Lost Crusader
- Magical Monster
- Naga
- Rainbow Command Dragon
- Saint Pegasus
- Spirit Quartz
- Starnoid
- Unnoise
- World Command
- World Command Dragon
- World Dragon
Allied Civilizations
- Arc Seraphim (L/N)
- Grand Devil (W/D)
- Great Mecha King (L/W)
- Dreammate (F/N)
- Tyranno Drake (D/F)
- Team Acme (D/F)
- Team Damama (L/N)
- Team Doremi (L/W)
- Team Hamukatsu (F/N)
- Team Tech (W/D)
All Civilizations
- Alien
- Draguner
- God
- Hunter
- Initials
- Invader
- Knight
- Lost Crusader
- Lunatic
- Lunatic Emperor
- Master Initials
- Oracle
- Origin
- Outrage
- Outrage MAX
- Phoenix
- Revolutionary
- Samurai
- Survivor
- Unknown
- Elder Dragon (W/D/F)
- God Nova OMG (L/D)
- Planeswalker (W/D/F)
- S-Rank Invader (W/D/N)
List of Race Categories[]