Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
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Prize is a Rarity.

Cards awarded in 2019[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Holy AweHoly Awe (Prize) Story mode, DMPD-01 Theme Deck (2020)
Burst ShotBurst Shot (Prize) Story mode, DMPD-03 Theme Deck (2020)
Natural SnareNatural Snare (Prize) Story mode, DMPD-05 Theme Deck (2020)
Aqua SurferAqua Surfer (Prize) (ver. 1) Story mode, DMPD-04 Theme Deck (2020)
Terror PitTerror Pit (Prize) (ver. 1) Story mode, DMPD-02 Theme Deck (2020)
Kooc PollonKooc Pollon (Prize) New Year Login Bonus (2021), Team Jammer City Battle

Cards awarded in 2020[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Aqua HulcusAqua Hulcus (Prize) DMPD-01 Theme Deck
Bloody SquitoBloody Squito (Prize) DMPD-02 Theme Deck
Faerie LifeFaerie Life (Prize) (ver. 1) DMPD-03 Theme Deck
Cocco LupiaCocco Lupia (Prize) Legend Battle/Shobu Kirifuda
Deathmorry, Gate Watcher of HellDeathmorry, Gate Watcher of Hell (Prize) Legend Battle/Kyoshiro Kokujo
Pikarie, Radiance ElementalPikarie, Radiance Elemental (Prize) Legend Battle/Hakuoh
Jil Warka, Time GuardianJil Warka, Time Guardian (Prize) Boss Battle, 1st event
Rikabu's ScrewdriverRikabu's Screwdriver (Prize) Boss Battle, 2nd event
Mystic Treasure ChestMystic Treasure Chest (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/582 (July)
Sarius, Vizier of SuppressionSarius, Vizier of Suppression (Prize) DMPD-04 Theme Deck
Bronze-Arm TribeBronze-Arm Tribe (Prize) (ver. 1) DMPD-05 Theme Deck
Eureka ChargerEureka Charger (Prize) (ver. 1) Legend Battle/Rockman and Forte
Estol, Vizier of AquaEstol, Vizier of Aqua (Prize) Rockman EXE Collaboration Set
Galek, the Shadow WarriorGalek, the Shadow Warrior (Prize)
Bone Dance ChargerBone Dance Charger (Prize) Legend Battle/Yu Fua
Volcano ChargerVolcano Charger (Prize) SP Rule Match/Fire Civilization Limited Battle/631
Skysword, the Savage VizierSkysword, the Savage Vizier (Prize) Nijisanji Collaboration Set
Pointa, the Aqua ShadowPointa, the Aqua Shadow (Prize)
Wind Axe, the Warrior SavageWind Axe, the Warrior Savage (Prize)
Energy StreamEnergy Stream (Prize) Legend Battle/Nijisanji
Dark LifeDark Life (Prize) (ver. 1) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/770
Syrius, Firmament ElementalSyrius, Firmament Elemental (Prize) Legend Battle/White
Bolshack Buddy DragonBolshack Buddy Dragon (Prize) SP Rule Match/Monocolored Deck Limited Battle/848
Cocco LupiaCocco Lupia (Prize) (DMPB-01) DMPB-01 Deckbuilder 2021
Zack Zevol, the Necro-RiserZack Zevol, the Necro-Riser (Prize) Legend Battle/Zakira
Jenny, the Dismantling PuppetJenny, the Dismantling Puppet (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/1st Anniversary
Natural SnareNatural Snare (Prize) DMPS-01
Holy AweHoly Awe (Prize) DMPS-02
Terror PitTerror Pit (Prize) DMPS-03
Faerie GiftFaerie Gift (Prize) SP Rule Match/Super Deck Duel/1st Anniversary

Cards awarded in 2021[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Kest Rias, Guardian Spirit KnightKest Rias, Guardian Spirit Knight (Prize) Legend Battle/Elena
Emergency TyphoonEmergency Typhoon (Prize) (ver. 1) SP Rule Match/Highlander Battle/1109
Agapitos, Alignment ElementalAgapitos, Alignment Elemental (Prize) WIXOSS Collaboration Set
Bolpanther, Phantom Beast Dragon MachineBolpanther, Phantom Beast Dragon Machine (Prize)
Largovanis, Matchless Spirit KnightLargovanis, Matchless Spirit Knight (Prize) Legend Battle/WIXOSS (Duel of Bonds)
Neonglide, Aqua PoseidonNeonglide, Aqua Poseidon (Prize)
Call for DragonsCall for Dragons (Prize)
Powawan, Electro-DollPowawan, Electro-Doll (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/1293
Prism BrainPrism Brain (Prize) Mix BOX Gacha Vol.1
Zamaru, Treasure of DarknessZamaru, Treasure of Darkness (Prize)
Yattar Wan, Adventuring FoxYattar Wan, Adventuring Fox (Prize)
Roubanrei of ImpactRoubanrei of Impact (Prize) SP Rule Match/Highlander Battle/1351
Lucky BallLucky Ball (Prize) Legend Battle/Mimi Tasogare
Evolution TotemEvolution Totem (Prize) SP Rule Match/Trial Division/1542
Jack Valdy, the EverlastingJack Valdy, the Everlasting (Prize) Seven Deadly Sins Collaboration Set
Voyager, Spectral KnightVoyager, Spectral Knight (Prize)
Kirino GiantKirino Giant (Prize)
Aqua HulfortAqua Hulfort (Prize)
Living LithographLiving Lithograph (Prize) Legend Battle/Seven Deadly Sins
Slash ChargerSlash Charger (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/1626
Dacity Dragoon, Explosive BeastDacity Dragoon, Explosive Beast (Prize) Legend Battle/Glen
Musha LupiaMusha Lupia (Prize) SP Rule Match/Memorial Division/1756
QurianQurian (Prize) SP Rule Match/Highlander Battle/1908
Murmur, Vizier of FormationMurmur, Vizier of Formation (Prize) Legend Battle/Hakuoh (White Knight and Trials)
Bega, Vizier of ShadowBega, Vizier of Shadow (Prize) Nijisanji 2nd Collaboration Set
Splash Axe, the Aqua SavageSplash Axe, the Aqua Savage (Prize)
Triple Mouth, Decaying SavageTriple Mouth, Decaying Savage (Prize)
Skysword, the Savage VizierSkysword, the Savage Vizier (Prize) Nijisanji 2nd Collaboration Set 2
Pointa, the Aqua ShadowPointa, the Aqua Shadow (Prize)
Wind Axe, the Warrior SavageWind Axe, the Warrior Savage (Prize)
Faerie MiracleFaerie Miracle (Prize) Legend Battle/Nijisanji 2nd
Corpse ChargerCorpse Charger (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 10/2060
Dragon Gear - Zangeki Mach ArmorDragon Gear - Zangeki Mach Armor (Prize) SP Rule Match/2 Civilization Deck Limited Battle/2178
Magic Shot - Dual ZanzibarMagic Shot - Dual Zanzibar (Prize) Legend Battle/Luca
Smash Warrior StagranduSmash Warrior Stagrandu (Prize) Quick Pick Solo Play
Bolbalzak "Sword Flash" DragonBolbalzak "Sword Flash" Dragon (DMPS-04) DMPS-04
Amaterasu, Founder of the Blue WolvesAmaterasu, Founder of the Blue Wolves (DMPS-04)
King Alcadeias, Holy GaiaKing Alcadeias, Holy Gaia (DMPS-05) DMPS-05
Inferno GateInferno Sign (DMPS-05)
Faerie LifeFaerie Life (Prize) (SP) (ver. 2) SP Rule Match/Legendary Division/2nd Anniversary
Necrodragon DobolzackNecrodragon Dobolzack (Prize) Legend Battle/Shori Kirifuda and Yu Fua
Mononofu LupiaMononofu Lupia (Prize)

Cards awarded in 2022[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Bloody Shadow, Mystic Light Death KnightBloody Shadow, Mystic Light Death Knight (Prize) SP Rule Match/Start Charge 5/2nd Anniversary
Eco AiniEco Aini (Prize) Legend Battle/Churin
Fortune SlotFortune Slot (Prize) Legend Battle/Kite
Blazing Tiger, Crimson LordBlazing Tiger, Crimson Lord (Prize) SP Rule Match/Trial Division/2651
Bullet "Shirou" BarrettBullet "Shirou" Barrett (Prize) Mix BOX Gacha Vol.2
Bronze-Arm TribeBronze-Arm Tribe (Prize) (MB Gacha) (ver.2)
Space CrawlerSpace Crawler (Prize)
Mach LupiaMach Lupia (Prize) Legend Battle/Shobu Kirifuda (Awakening Duel Trials)
Evolution BlueprintEvolution Blueprint (Prize) DMP Official Tournament (May 2022)
Emperor MarcoEmperor Marco (Prize) Hero's Set Collaboration
Beginning Romanov, Lord of the Demonic EyeBeginning Romanov, Lord of the Demonic Eye (Prize)
Balga Raizou, the Super-Heavenly NovaBalga Raizou, the Super-Heavenly Nova (Prize)
Bucket Bucket, Chopping Snow FaerieBucket Bucket, Chopping Snow Faerie (Prize) Legend Battle/Hero's Set (Resurrection! Battle Arena!)
Lyla LattaLyla Latta (Prize) SP Rule Match/Under VR Match/3139
Peace LupiaPeace Lupia (Prize) Quick Pick Solo Play 3167
Duel Jacker Shou, the Hot-Blooded CommentatorDuel Jacker Shou, the Hot-Blooded Commentator (Prize) Dashing Appearance DJ Shou City Battle
Dark LupiaDark Lupia (Prize) Legend Battle 名誉挽回大作戦
Wiz, White Knight EnlightenerWiz, White Knight Enlightener (Prize) Tower of Trials (1)
Hyperspatial Shiny HoleHyperspatial Shiny Hole (Prize) The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie - Collaboration Set
Chakra, Temporal Thunder DragonChakra, Temporal Thunder Dragon (Prize)
Great Chakra, the Storm AwakenedGreat Chakra, the Storm Awakened (Prize)
Hyperspatial Revive HoleHyperspatial Revive Hole (Prize)
Rumble, Temporal SageRumble, Temporal Sage (Prize)
Rumble Lecter, Terror AwakenedRumble Lecter, Terror Awakened (Prize)
Hyperspatial Energy HoleHyperspatial Energy Hole (Prize)
Luna Allegre, Temporal TowerLuna Allegre, Temporal Tower (Prize)
Luna Allegria, the Fortress AwakenedLuna Allegria, the Fortress Awakened (Prize)
Hyperspatial Faerie HoleHyperspatial Faerie Hole (Prize)
Japan, Temporal EnforcerJapan, Temporal Enforcer (Prize)
Japanica, Aggression AwakenedJapanica, Aggression Awakened (Prize)
Hyperspatial Bolshack HoleHyperspatial Bolshack Hole (Prize)
Bolshack Dragon, the Temporal BlazeBolshack Dragon, the Temporal Blaze (Prize)
Bolshack Möbius, Victory AwakenedBolshack Möbius, Victory Awakened (Prize)
Future BlueprintFuture Blueprint (Prize) Legend Battle 五等分の決闘者
Purification TrapPurification Trap (Prize) SP Rule Match 2nd SP Start Charge 5
Double Cross ChargerDouble Cross Charger (Prize) Legend Battle 覇者英傑の軌跡
Eagle Aini, the Explosive WingEagle Aini, the Explosive Wing (Prize) Quick Pick Solo Play (3)
El Dorado, Taiga ElementalEl Dorado, Taiga Elemental (Prize) Heroes Set 決闘者の夏休み
Hanzou, Phantom of Decaying PoisonHanzou, Phantom of Decaying Poison (Prize)
Baban Ban Ban, Earth's BlessingBaban Ban Ban, Earth's Blessing (Prize)
GENJI Double Cross, BlastdragonGENJI Double Cross, Blastdragon (Prize)
Cutie HeartCutie Heart (Prize) City Battle ルピコと五守護の夏休み!
Kagekiri, Bird of FireKagekiri, Bird of Fire (Prize) Tower of Trials (2)
Death March, Reaper PuppeteerDeath March, Reaper Puppeteer (Prize) Official Tournament top prize.
The Strong SpiralThe Strong Spiral (Prize) Official Tournament participation prize.
Corteo, Spirit KnightCorteo, Spirit Knight (Prize) Rank Match - Last Storm XX cup reward
Pugnosuke SakuramaruPugnosuke Sakuramaru (Prize) SP Rule Match 第1回ヒラメキ・デュエル
Taiga, the Warrior SavageTaiga, the Warrior Savage (Prize) Legend Battle 新たな伝説!
Ochappi, Pure Hearted FaerieOchappi, Pure Hearted Faerie (Prize) Rank Match - Gaial King Dragon cup reward
Dark Strike SPDark Strike SP (Prize) Nijisanji Collaboration Set (3)
Black Ganveet, Temporal Wicked SoldierBlack Ganveet, Temporal Wicked Soldier (Prize)
Darkness Ganveet, the Assassin AwakenedDarkness Ganveet, the Assassin Awakened (Prize)
Hyperspatial Kill HoleHyperspatial Kill Hole (Prize)
Kill, Temporal BrawlerKill, Temporal Brawler (Prize)
Setsudan, Awakened GiantSetsudan, Awakened Giant (Prize)
Hyperspatial Surprise HoleHyperspatial Surprise Hole (Prize)
Untouchable, Temporal HeroUntouchable, Temporal Hero (Prize)
Untouchable Powered, the Awakened ProteanUntouchable Powered, the Awakened Protean (Prize)
Faerie LifeFaerie Life (Prize 3) (ver.3) Legend Battle 仮想の決闘者 第3弾
Sanbaka Charger Tower of Trials (3)
Heaven's GateHeaven's Gate (Prize) Lize Helesta Collaboration delivery card gift.
Hachiko, Jin's Faithful DogHachiko, Jin's Faithful Dog (Prize) Rank Match - Gallows Devil Dragon cup reward
Prin Prin, the EternalPrin Prin, the Eternal (Prize) City Battle デュエ友とのお話
Aragato MusubiAragato Musubi (Prize) SP Rule Match UNDER VR MATCH
Glennya, Boiling WaterGlennya, Boiling Water (Prize) Legend Battle 目指せ一日市長!
Hogan BlasterHogan Blaster (Prize) (ver. 1) Rank Match - Gaial Ore Dragon cup reward
Aqua SurferAqua Surfer (Prize 2) (ver. 2) DMPS-08
Terror PitTerror Pit (Prize 2) (ver.2) DMPS-09
Formation in the SpringsFormation in the Springs (Prize) SP Rule Match - Legendary Division
Shishimai, the InvokedShishimai, the Invoked (Prize) Tower of Trials (4)
Miracle Re BornMiracle Re Born (Prize) SP Rule Match - Start Charge 10 (2)

Cards awarded in 2023[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Aqua Super EmeralAqua Super Emeral (Prize) January ~ Official tournament top prize.
Bronze-Arm TribeBronze-Arm Tribe (Prize 3) (ver. 3) January~Recognized conference participation reward.
Hide and SeekHide and Seek (Prize) Rank Match - Gallows Hellish Dragon reward.
Faerie CrystalFaerie Crystal (Prize) Legend Battle - Encounter of Zero
Aquan Jr.'s DeliveryAquan Jr.'s Delivery (Prize) Rank Match - Onimaru Head reward
Apocalypse DayApocalypse Day (Prize) Pop Team Epic Collaboration Set
Aqua SurferAqua Surfer (Prize 3) (ver.3)
Bolmeteus White FlareBolmeteus White Flare (Prize)
Bolshack SuperheroBolshack Superhero (Prize)
Brain StormBrain Storm (Prize) Legend Battle - Pop Team Epic (Bamboo King Duelist)
Zenith Requiem, Secret ZenithZenith Requiem, Secret Zenith (Prize) Tower of Ordeal #5
Forever Princess, Eternal RulerForever Princess, Eternal Ruler (Prize) Rank Match - Lionel Cup reward.
Lifeplan ChargerLifeplan Charger (Prize) (ver. 1) Legend Battle - Duel Simulator Kai
Necrodragon Odol NeedleNecrodragon Odol Needle (Prize) Rank Match - Beethoven Cup reward.
Radio Roses, Zenith of "Wisdom"Radio Roses, Zenith of Wisdom (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Set
Codename Hungry EleganceCodename Hungry Elegance (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Set
Codeking WilhelmCodeking Wilhelm (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Set
Link of the BeyondLink of the Beyond Legend Battle 幻想の決闘者
Honenbe, Skeletal GuardianHonenbe, Skeletal Guardian (Prize) May~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Faerie LifeFaerie Life (Prize 4) (ver. 4) May~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Counterattacking Silent SparkCounterattacking Silent Spark (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Set Prize Card Exchange
Hogan BlasterHogan Blaster (Prize 2) (ver. 2) Hololive Collaboration Prize Card Exchange
Super Flaming Hell's ScrapperSuper Flaming Hell's Scrapper (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Prize Card Exchange
Dancing FeverDancing Fever (Prize) 6th Tower of Trials
Codeking Number NineCodeking Number Nine (Prize) Rank Match カイザー刃鬼 Cup Rewards
Pixie LifePixie Life (Prize) Legend Battle 勝利の先に
Prin, Reversal PrincessPrin, Reversal Princess (Prize) SP Rule Match 2nd Memorial Division
MendelssohnMendelssohn (Prize) Rank Match カツキング Cup Rewards
Milzam, Miracles ElementalMilzam, Miracles Elemental (Prize) 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration Set
Zabi Mira, the Reviving ShamanZabi Mira, the Reviving Shaman (Prize) 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration Set
Cyber N WorldCyber N World (Prize) 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration Set
Don Grill, Flavor ChiefDon Grill, Flavor Chief (Prize) 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration Set
Ryusei Kaiser, the EternalRyusei Kaiser, the Eternal (Prize) 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration Set
Cheer of Rising NatureCheer of Rising Nature (Prize) Legend Battle 2nd Quintessential Quintuplets Collaboration
Dark LifeDark Life (Prize 2) (ver. 2) SP Rule Match 3rd Start Charge 5
Babelginus, Demonic DragonBabelginus, Demonic Dragon (DMPS-10) DMPS-10
Missile Burst GMissile Burst G (DMPS-10) DMPS-10
Faerie LifeFaerie Life (DMPS-11) (ver. 5) DMPS-11
Miraculous SnareMiraculous Snare (DMPS-11) DMPS-11
Ragnarok, the ClockRagnarok, the Clock (Prize) (ver. 1) Rank Match ヨミ Cup Rewards
Divine Punishment of HeavenDivine Punishment of Heaven (Prize) SP Rule Match 2nd Flash Duel
Alice, Chaos WitchAlice, Chaos Witch (Prize) City Battle ルピコと五守護の夏休み! 復刻開催
Java Jack, Ultra FlashJava Jack, Ultra Flash (Prize) この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! Collaboration Set
Heavy Death Metal, End of the CenturyHeavy Death Metal, End of the Century (Prize) この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! Collaboration Set
Lionel, Lion Zenith DragonLionel, Lion Zenith Dragon (Prize) この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! Collaboration Set
Bruce, Dead or AliveBruce, Dead or Alive (Prize) この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! Collaboration Set
Codeking MozartCodeking Mozart (Prize) この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! Collaboration Set
Time Tripper, Shadow of StagnationTime Tripper, Shadow of Stagnation (Prize) Rank Match UKパンク Cup Rewards
Child Festival of Faerie FireChild Festival of Faerie Fire (Prize) Legend Battle この決闘者に祝福を!
Kubrick, Spiral AcceleratorKubrick, Spiral Accelerator (Prize) September~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Lifeplan ChargerLifeplan Charger (Prize 2) (ver. 2) September~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Eureka ChargerEureka Charger (Prize 2) (ver. 2) September~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Oracle Jewel of ControlOracle Jewel of Control (Prize) Rank Match G Izumo Cup
Tenshukaku, Dragon King KeepTenshukaku, Dragon King Keep (Prize) Legend Battle オラクルの邂逅
Southern Renaissance, Resonance Dragon ElementalSouthern Renaissance, Resonance Dragon Elemental (Prize) Rank Match Gaiginga Cup Rewards
Sr Spellcyclica, Dragment SymbolSr Spellcyclica, Dragment Symbol (Prize) Nijisanji Collaboration Set 4th
Alpharion, Lord of SpiritsAlpharion, Lord of Spirits (Prize)
Crossfire, MillionaireCrossfire, Millionaire (Prize)
Emergency TyphoonEmergency Typhoon (Prize 2) (ver. 2) Legend Battle 騎士と社畜とお嬢様!?
Ragnarok, the ClockRagnarok, the Clock (Prize 2) (ver. 2) Nijisanji collaboration 4th edition: Prize card exchange 壱百満天原サロメ コラボ配信カードプレゼント
Aqua TeacherAqua Teacher (Prize) SP Rule Match 6th Start Charge 10
Lord Reis, Wisdom ElementalLord Reis, Wisdom Elemental (Prize) Nijisanji Collaboration 4th edition: Prize Card Exchange
Mystery CubeMystery Cube (Prize) Nijisanji collaboration 4th edition: Prize card exchange
Death Gate, Gate of HellDeath Gate, Gate of Hell (Prize) Rank Match Spellcyclica Cup Rewards
Spellbook ChargerSpellbook Charger (Prize) Legend Battle 開幕!? 激闘レース!
Child Festival of Faerie FireChild Festival of Faerie Fire (Prize 2) (ver. 2) 4th Anniversary Set
Dragon Flare EggDragon Flare Egg (Prize) Legend Battle 第26弾
Jackpot Entry, Dragon Secret FormationJackpot Entry, Dragon Secret Formation (Prize) Rank Match Ohginga Cup Rewards
Onimaru "Head", Victory RushOnimaru "Head", Victory Rush (DMPS-12) DMPS-12
Ryusei Kaiser, the EternalRyusei Kaiser, the Eternal (DMPS-12) (ver. 2)
Hyperspatial Bolshack HoleHyperspatial Bolshack Hole (Prize 2) (ver. 2)
Prin Prin, the VictoriousPrin Prin, the Victorious (DMPS-12)
Ryusei Kaiser, the VictoriousRyusei Kaiser, the Victorious (DMPS-12)
Gaial Kaiser, the VictoriousGaial Kaiser, the Victorious (DMPS-12)
Meteor ChargerMeteor Charger (Prize) SP Rule Match 3rd Legendary Division
Crossfire the 2nd, BillionaireCrossfire the 2nd, Billionaire (Prize) 8th Tower of Trials

Cards awarded in 2024[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Aqua GuardAqua Guard (Prize) January~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Moel, Love SniperMoel, Love Sniper (Prize) January~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Tigermite, Bomb DevilTigermite, Bomb Devil (Prize) SP Rule Match 2nd Monocolored Deck Limited Battle
Dragon's SignDragon's Sign (Prize) Rank Match Q.E.D.+ Cup Reward
Kaiser "Baki", Zenith of "Certain Victory"Kaiser "Baki", Zenith of "Certain Victory" (Prize) Official Tournament Winner Award
Royal Islay, Explosive PassionRoyal Islay, Explosive Passion (Prize) Legend Battle 想いを花にのせて
Emeralda, Pitch Dragon ElementalEmeralda, Pitch Dragon Elemental (Prize) Rank Match Molt Next Cup Reward
Agapitos, Lord of Dragon SpiritsAgapitos, Lord of Dragon Spirits (Prize) WIXOSS Collaboration Set 2nd Edition
Kiriko Cubic, First Model Dragon EmperorKiriko Cubic, First Model Dragon Emperor (Prize)
Dorballom D, Demon Dragon KingDorballom D, Demon Dragon King (Prize)
Choice of DestinyChoice of Destiny (Prize) Legend Battle Duelist's Bond Part 2
Master SparkMaster Spark (Prize) SP Rule Match 3rd Start Charge 5
Tigernitro, Explosive DevilTigernitro, Explosive Devil (Prize) Rank Match Hellvolf Cup Reward
The Red, Lightning SonicThe Red, Lightning Sonic (Prize) Legend Battle 最速の男達
Red Rose, Crimson Dragon ElementalRed Rose, Crimson Dragon Elemental (Prize) May~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Iron Fist of RevolutionIron Fist of Revolution (Prize) May~ Official Tournament Top Prizes
Sanctuary of the MotherSanctuary of the Mother (Prize) Rank Match Dogiragon Cup Reward
Heaven's Rosia, True Dragon RulerHeaven's Rosia, True Dragon Ruler (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Set 2nd Edition
Endless Heaven, True Holy ChurchEndless Heaven, True Holy Church (Prize)
Neverend, True Destiny KingNeverend, True Destiny King (Prize)
Metal Avenger Solid, Dragon RulerMetal Avenger Solid, Dragon Ruler (Prize)
Evidegoras, Dragon Sonic Aircraft CarrierEvidegoras, Dragon Sonic Aircraft Carrier (Prize)
Q.E.D. Plus, Final Dragon LogicQ.E.D. Plus, Final Dragon Logic (Prize)
Hellborof, Supreme Dragon RulerHellborof, Supreme Dragon Ruler (Prize)
Welcome Hell, Supreme Devil King PalaceWelcome Hell, Supreme Devil King Palace (Prize)
Deathgoros, Supreme Devil Corrupt KingDeathgoros, Supreme Devil Corrupt King (Prize)
MaltNEXT, Super Battle Dragon RulerMaltNEXT, Super Battle Dragon Ruler (Prize)
Heart Burn, Battle General Galaxy FortressHeart Burn, Battle General Galaxy Fortress (Prize)
GuyNEXT, Super Battle Victory DragonGuyNEXT, Super Battle Victory Dragon (Prize)
The=Deadman, Dragon Ruler
Niga=Abushumu, Invasive Mystery
Niga=Vermut, Evil King
Secret Society holoXSecret Society holoX Legend Battle 幻想の決闘者 第2弾
Draguner GiftDraguner Gift (Prize) 9th Tower of Trials
Demon Wolf, Howling Moonlight CastleDemon Wolf, Howling Moonlight Castle (Prize) Hololive Collaboration Prize Card Exchange and Laplace Darkness & Sahanaka Kuroe collaboration
Jackpot Entry, Dragon Secret FormationJackpot Entry, Dragon Secret Formation (Prize 2) (ver.2)
Dragon's SignDragon's Sign (Prize 2) (ver.2) Hololive Collaboration Prize Card Exchange
Spiral Hurricane, Hero Secret TechniqueSpiral Hurricane, Hero Secret Technique (Prize)
Faerie ShowerFaerie Shower (Prize)
The Mach, Lightning SonicThe Mach, Lightning Sonic (Prize) Rank Match Redzone Cup Reward
Cyber BookCyber Book (Prize) Legend Battle 切り札達の憂鬱
Topgear, Start DashTopgear, Start Dash (Prize) DuePlay Grand Prix 2024 DuePlay Grand Prix Pack
Commanduo, Order Dragon ElementalCommanduo, Order Dragon Elemental (Prize) Rank Match Miradante Cup Reward
Dogiragon, Flaming RevolutionDogiragon, Flaming Revolution (Prize) ライザのアトリエ2 コラボセット
Miracle Star, Revolution Heaven KingMiracle Star, Revolution Heaven King (Prize)
Valblair, Explosive Divine ArmorValblair, Explosive Divine Armor (Prize)
Nero Somnis, Dream Great EmperorNero Somnis, Dream Great Emperor (Prize)
Evolution BlueprintEvolution Blueprint (Prize) (ver.2) Legend Battle 決闘者のアトリエ
Iron Fist of RevolutionIron Fist of Revolution (Prize) (ver.2) SP Rule Match 第3回ヒラメキ・デュエル
Magnum, ShortshotMagnum, Shortshot (Prize) (ver.1) Rank Match Death the Lost Cup Reward
Jasmine, Mist FaerieJasmine, Mist Faerie (Prize) Legend Battle アンちゃん登場っす!
Kodamanma, Gil Gil DollKodamanma, Gil Gil Doll (Prize) City Battle ルピコと五守護の夏休み! 復刻開催
Huckle Kirin Sawyer, Jungle GovernorHuckle Kirin Sawyer, Jungle Governor (Prize)] Rank Match Newgaze Cup Reward
Marine FlowerMarine Flower (Prize) 9月~12月公認大会 参加賞
Death Gate, Gate of HellDeath Gate, Gate of Hell (Prize 2) (ver.2) 9月~12月公認大会 上位賞
Completely UnidentifiedCompletely Unidentified (Prize) 推しの子 コラボセット
Redzone Z, Passionate InvasionRedzone Z, Passionate Invasion (Prize)
Bearfugan, Super Beast ArmyBearfugan, Super Beast Army (Prize)
Chutopia, Super Nine ExtremesChutopia, Super Nine Extremes (Prize)
Galloween, Super RevengeGalloween, Super Revenge (Prize)
Redzone, Roaring InvasionRedzone, Roaring Invasion (Prize)
Evolution EggEvolution Egg (Prize) Legend Battle 推しの決闘者
Mach 55, SupersonicMach 55, Supersonic (Prize) Oshi no Ko collaboration prize card exchange
Cyber I ChoiceCyber I Choice (Prize)
Magnum, ShortshotMagnum, Shortshot (Prize 2) (ver.2)
Gyogyou, RevolutionkindGyogyou, Revolutionkind (Prize)
Momotarus, Super Nine ExtremesMomotarus, Super Nine Extremes (Prize)
Vader, Dark ArmorVader, Dark Armor (Prize)
The Red, Lightning SonicThe Red, Lightning Sonic (Prize) (ver.2) 10th Tower of Trials
Arcadia SparkArcadia Spark (Prize) (ver.1) Rank Match Vulcan Unchance Cup Reward
Dead, ZombieDead, Zombie (Prize) Legend Battle 革命の残り火
Black Psycho, RevengeBlack Psycho, Revenge (Prize) (ver.1) Rank Match Bolshack Dogiragon Cup Reward
Magia Del Fin, Dragonic ElementalMagia Del Fin, Dragonic Elemental (Prize) にじさんじ コラボセット第5弾
Ballom Quake, Lord of DemonsBallom Quake, Lord of Demons (Prize)
Deadzone, S-Rank ZombieDeadzone, S-Rank Zombie (Prize)
Redzone X, Forbidden Lightning SonicRedzone X, Forbidden Lightning Sonic (Prize)
Sanmadd, S-Rank TribeSanmadd, S-Rank Tribe (Prize)
Scale of Bravery and LoveScale of Bravery and Love (Prize) Legend Battle 仮想の決闘者 第5弾
Red-End, Super Lightning SonicRed-End, Super Lightning Sonic (Prize) にじさんじ コラボ第5弾 プライズカード交換、 椎名唯華&花畑チャイカ コラボ配信カードプレゼント
Euru=Bucca, Antique Dragon Ruins
Black Psycho, RevengeBlack Psycho, Revenge (Prize) (ver.2) にじさんじ コラボ第5弾 プライズカード交換
Arcadia SparkArcadia Spark (Prize) (ver.2)
Sanctuary of Earth and DemonSanctuary of Earth and Demon (Prize)
Scale of Life and DeathScale of Life and Death (Prize) SP Rule Match 第7回スタートチャージ10
The Zet, Lightning SonicThe Zet, Lightning Sonic (Prize) Rank Match Dokindam X Cup Reward
Nbaba, NbibiNbaba, Nbibi (Prize) Legend Battle 輝け! デュエリスト!
Blue Dragon EarthBlue Dragon Earth (Prize) Rank Match Dogiragon Buster Cup Reward
Dogiragon Buster, Blue LeaderDogiragon Buster, Blue Leader (DMPS-13) DMPS-13
Puchohenza, Mia MojaPuchohenza, Mia Moja (DMPS-14) DMPS-14
Codeking MozartCodeking Mozart (DMPS-14) (ver.2)
Niyare Get, Zero TrickNiyare Get, Zero Trick (Prize) 5th Anniversary Set
It's ShowtimeIt's Showtime (Prize) Legend Battle 超稼働! クリスマス工場
Hamukatsuman Buster, No.1 WindHamukatsuman Buster, No.1 Wind (Prize) 第4回 レジェンダリー・ディビジョン
The End of XThe End of X (Prize) 11th Tower of Trials


Card: Original Card:
Blade Liger Cylinder, Revolution Dragon Formula
Dragoon Storm Kubrick, Spiral Accelerator
White Wish DNA Spark
Game of Life Charger Lifeplan Charger
Bumblebee, Cybertron Information Officer Bumble
Optimus Prime Trailer
Optimus Prime, Cybertron Commander
Convoy Trailer, Temporal Commander
Convoy, Awakened Commander

Cards awarded in 2025[]

Card Name: How to obtain:
Ryusei Kaiser, the EternalRyusei Kaiser, the Eternal (Prize 3) (ver.3) 1月~公認大会 優勝賞
Damama, MojaDamama, Moja (Prize) 1月~公認大会 参加賞
Haridelberg, Hell of DHaridelberg, Hell of D (Prize) 1月~公認大会 上位賞
Crystal MemoryFile:Crystal Memory (Prize).png デュエプレフェス デュエプレフェス記念セットorデュエプレフェス記念セット:レジェンドver.
King Walsura, D2SKing Walsura, D2S (Prize) ぷにるはかわいいスライム コラボセット
Shuff, EurekaShuff, Eureka (Prize)
Punisura Laboratory, Experiment of DPunisura Laboratory, Experiment of D シティバトル かわいいデュエリスト