Missions | |
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Missions are 3 Types of Missions
- Daily Missions
- Achievement
- Event
Beginner's Mission[]
If you just started playing or is a returning player, you will have this icon to the left of the Mail icon.
(These rewards are from left to right. From each row top to bottom.)
Make an All Division deck. | Make a New Division deck. | Win a Ranked Match - All Division. |
Win a Ranked Match - New Division. | Win 3 Ranked Matches - New Division. | Use a rental deck. |
Change the BGM. (Music) | Change your character to an avatar skin.* | Use the Mix BOX Gacha |
For the skin change mission, please ensure that in your settings the checkbox for "The Navigator to follow Avatar Skin" is ticked.
Daily Missions[]
Every day each Player receives 3 Missions (Two 30 gold and One 70 Gold Mission). Missions can be cleared by playing in Causal, Rank, City Battle, Tower of Trials, Legend Battle, Boss Battle, SP Rule Match, Room Battle and more.
- It is important to note that you need to complete and redeem the mission reward in order not to lose out on the rewards otherwise you will lose out on those missions when they reset on the next day(Day Resets every 05:00 JST).
Refreshing Missions[]
Once per day Players are allowed to refresh 1 of the 3 missions for free. Subsequent refreshes will cost 2x . The new mission given will be a mission from the same gold category.
The information below regarding the 30 and 70 gold mission is based on the records from the players. If you find a mission that isn't recorded here, let us know in the Discord Server. Thank You. |
30 Gold Daily Missions[]
Japanese: | English: |
デュエルを3回行ろ | Play 3 Duels. |
デュエルで1勝する | Win 1 duels. |
マナゾーンにカードを10枚道く | Put 10 cards into your mana zone. |
カードを20枚引く | Draw 20 cards. |
呪文を5回唱える | Cast 5 spells. |
クリーチャーを10体バトルンーンに出す | Put 10 creatures into the battle zone. |
相手のクリーチヤーを4体破壊する | Destroy 4 of your opponent's creatures. |
相手のクリーチヤーと5回バトルする | Battle an opponent's creatures 5 times. |
10夕ーン以内に勝利する | Win within 10 turns. |
相手のツールドを10ブレイする | Break 10 of your opponent's shields. |
1夕ーンにシールドを3つブレイクする | Break 3 shields in a single turn. |
シールドを2つ以上残して勝利する | Win with at least 2 shields. |
70 Gold Daily Missions[]
Japanese: | English: |
デュエルを5回行ろ | Play 5 Duels. |
デュエルで3勝する | Win 3 duels. |
呪文を10回唱える | Cast 10 spells |
7夕ーン以内に勝利する | Win within 7 turns. |
シールドを4つ以上残して勝利する | Win with at least 4 shields. |
コスト6以下のクリーチヤーを12体バトルゾーンに出す | Put 12 creatures that cost of 6 or less into the battle zone. |
コスト6以上のクリーチヤーを3体バトルゾーンに出す | Put 3 creatures that cost of 6 or more into the battle zone. |
バワー6000以下のクリーチヤーを12体バトルゾーンに出す | Put 12 creatures that have a power of 6000 or less into the battle zone. |
バワー6000以上のクリーチヤーを3体バトルゾーンに出す | Put 3 creatures that have a power of 6000 or more into the battle zone. |
Weekly Reward System[]
By completing the 3 daily missions, the player is rewarded with a reward along the reward track at the bottom.
- The weekly Reward System Resets every Monday 05:00 JST
- You may only claim 4 rewards from the weekly Reward System per week.
- Once you unlock the reward, you can claim them any time throughout the week. This is helpful if you wish to get more packs from an upcoming set so when it does reset, the rewards change and you can still redeem them. (Tho the rewards only last a week so do remember to claim them at the end of the week).
Daily "Win 3 Duels"[]
This system was replaced by the "Weekly Rewards System" and no longer exists.
After winning 3 times in either the Rank or Casual game play mode, the player is rewarded with 20x . This resets at 05:00 (JST) everyday.