- 1st Lt. Pen Pen, Special Forest Commander
- 4c Heaven's Gate
- 5000GT, Riot
- 500siki
- ???
- AC部
- Abare Max, Violencekind
- Abduction Charger
- Abdullah Flame Dragon
- Ability Word
- Accelerator
- Achievement
- Acid, Sacred Execution
- Acme, First Seed
- Acme M, First Seed
- Acroite, Start Dash
- Acropad, Rainbow Dash
- Adamski, S-Rank Space
- Advanced Card Search
- Advanced Card Search/Guide
- Adventure Boar
- Aegis, Ringsword Elemental
- Aegis Boost, Matchless Dragon Saint
- Aeropica
- Agacher, Fuuma Spirit Knight
- Agapitos, Alignment Elemental
- Agapitos, Lord of Dragon Spirits
- Agyou, Intense God
- Ahni, Assault Hero
- Ailfreet, Holy Gates Elemental
- Aini
- Ajisai, Love Faerie
- Akadashi, Izanai's Battle Attack
- Akagi
- Akagigarmus, Armed Dragon Demon
- Akashic Classic, Electro Ridge Tree
- Akashic First, Electro-Dragon
- Akashic Second, Electro-Spirit
- Akashic Thales
- Akashic Third, the Electro-Bandit
- Akifumi Yamamoto
- Akira Hamada
- Akira actagawa
- Ako
- Aku, Ultimate God
- Albatross, Spirit Wing Treasure
- Alberno
- Alca Kid, Holy Elemental
- Alcadeias, Lord of Spirits
- Alcadeias D, Lord of Dragon Spirits
- Alcapheus, Lord of Spirits
- Aldora, White Knight Elemental
- Aldron, Striking Battle Dragon
- Alexander the 3rd, Emperor of the Demonic Eye
- Alfreet, Judgment Gate Elemental
- Algo Bardiol, Devil Admiral
- Algros Crusos, Super Divine Dragon
- Alice, Chaos Witch
- Alice, Hacqueen
- Alien
- Alien Father
- All Division
- All Over The World, Supreme True Dragon Soul
- All for One, Machine of D
- Alligator, the Awakened Flower Beast
- Almeric, Prophecy Elemental
- Alom
- Alphadios, Lord of Spirits
- Alpharion, Lord of Spirits
- Alshia, Nova Elemental
- Alternative, Sacred Cavalry
- Altimus, Light Divine Dragon
- Amagasaki
- Amarin, Electro Star Tree Q
- Amaterasu, Founder of the Blue Wolves
- Amaterasu Seraphina, Channeler of Suns
- Amber Grass
- Amber Piercer
- Ambition Bee
- Ambitious Dragon
- Ambush Scorpion
- Amitabha Hand
- Amshion, Protection Elemental
- Amurex, Rainbowkind
- Analith, Cyber Armor
- Ancient Horn, the Watcher
- AndApp
- Andorage, Lord of Devils
- Andorom, Chanting Wings
- Andro Saver, Martyrdom Wings
- Aneko
- Angel Command
- Angel Command Dragon
- Angel Dragon
- Angel Feather
- Angler Cluster
- Animabelgis, Fuuma Savage
- Annabelle, Bloody Slide
- Annechan
- Annihilating Soul Recall
- Antares, the Sting Assassin
- Antoinette, Beautiful Battle Dragon Princess
- Apocalypse Day
- Apollonia Dragon
- Apology Gift, Mini Scrapper
- April, Temporal Gunprincess
- Aqua Advisor
- Aqua Anchor
- Aqua Attack
- Aqua Attack (BAGOOON Panzer)
- Aqua Belala
- Aqua Blade, Blue Wolf
- Aqua Bouncer
- Aqua Burster
- Aqua Cascade
- Aqua Cascade (ZABUUUN Cruiser)
- Aqua Cutlass, Temporal Swordsman
- Aqua Elite
- Aqua Evoluter
- Aqua Excalibur, the Awakened Indigo Swordsman
- Aqua Grappler
- Aqua Guard
- Aqua Hammer Price
- Aqua Hulcus
- Aqua Hulfort
- Aqua Hulk
- Aqua Humpty
- Aqua Intelligence 3rd G
- Aqua Jester Loupe
- Aqua Jet
- Aqua Jet (BOOON Sky)
- Aqua Jolter
- Aqua Knight
- Aqua Kotegaeshi
- Aqua Librarian
- Aqua Melge
- Aqua Naruto Surfer
- Aqua Palin
- Aqua Professor
- Aqua Ranger
- Aqua Screw
- Aqua Shooter
- Aqua Skydiver
- Aqua Sniper
- Aqua Soldier
- Aqua Sonicwave
- Aqua Spellblue
- Aqua Spy
- Aqua Strummer
- Aqua Super Emeral
- Aqua Surfer
- Aqua Teacher
- Aqua Transer
- Aqua Trickster
- Aqua Tsubamegaeshi
- Aqua Vehicle
- Aqua Wavester
- Aqua Witch
- Aquaarmy, Guerrilla Division
- Aquan
- Aquan Jr.'s Delivery
- Aquarius of Revolution
- Arac Kai Bades, Spirit Knight
- Aragato Musubi
- Arashi, Cross Boy
- Arc
- Arc Seraphim
- Arcadia Spark
- Ardent Lunatron
- Arena Kamone, Firefighting of D
- Ares Dragoon
- Ariace, Dragon Ruler
- Arige, Bronzekind
- Ario
- Armored Blaster Valdios
- Armored Decimator Valkaizer
- Armored Dragon
- Armored Machine Sarbolt
- Armored Raider Gandaval
- Armored Samurai
- Armored Supporter Gatlinger
- Armored Wyvern
- Armorloid
- Artumph
- Asai Genji
- Asao Urata
- Ascendant Wing - Faerie Accela
- Ash
- Ashiga Lupia
- Ashliger, Holy Dark Beast
- Asphal, Spirit Knight of the Temporal Foundation
- Asra, Vizier of Safety
- Assal Dracchi
- Assassin Greed, Aqua Agent
- Assault, Revolution Dragon
- Asteroid Luxus, Light Comet
- Astimart, Lord of Devils
- Astinos, White Knight Elemental
- Astral Reef
- Astral Rush
- Astrocomet Dragon
- Asura, the Great Enigma
- Asylum, Elemental Dragon Knight
- Athers, Guerilla Robot
- Atlantis, Deepsea Evangelist
- Atsushi Kawasaki
- Atsuto, Duel Hero Strategist
- Attack
- Attack Chance
- Attacking Bonsura
- August the 3rd, Young Emperor of the Demonic Eye
- Aura Blast
- Aura Pegasus, Avatar of Life
- Auravine, Earth's Grasp
- Aures, Spirit Knight
- Aurora, Izanai's Invitation
- Aurora of Reversal
- Automated Weaponmaster Machai
- Automobile Man
- Auzesu, Demonic Elemental
- Avalanche Giant
- Avalas, Lord of Spirits
- Awaken
- Awakening Giant
- Ayaki
- Ayame (Rokumendo Co., Ltd.)
- Ayane Ozawa
- A・Guy
- B-Boy, the Explosive
- Ba Keen, Super-electric Engineer
- Baban Ban Ban, Earth's Blessing
- Babelginus, Demonic Dragon
- Baby Zoppe
- Back to the Ore, Zenith of "Ten Tail"
- Baiken, Blue Divine Dragon
- Bajula's Soul
- Bakeratta, Snow Faerie
- Bakkra Horn, the Silent
- Bakuadorgan, Passion Dragon
- Balga Do Raiba, Matchless Dragon Phantom
- Balga Raiser, the Dragonic Meteor
- Balga Raizou
- Balga Raizou, the Super-Heavenly Nova
- Balgaraise Dragon
- Balhols, Demonic Elemental
- Ballas, Vizier of Electrons
- Ballcadeias, Overlord of Demons
- Ballcadeias Charger
- Ballom
- Ballom, Master of Death
- Ballom Emperor, Lord of Demons
- Ballom Monarch, Lord of Dark Reapers
- Ballom Quake, Lord of Demons
- Ballom Ross, Lord of Demons
- Balloon Mushroom
- Ballus, Dogfight Enforcer Q
- Balor, Lifesaving Doll
- Bals, Halfgod Elemental
- Balzack, Flame Military God
- Balzack Olmegas, Military God of Flame and Earth
- Balzark, Sword Flash Fortress
- Bangren, Ancient Arhat
- Banjo, Fierce Captain
- Banjo, the Super-energetic
- Baradios, Lord of Dragon Spirits
- Barkwhip, the Smasher
- Barlowe, Devil Priest
- Barnian, Divine Enforcer
- Baron Gouyama
- Baron Spade, Invader
- Baronarde, Glorious Wings
- Barrier of Revolution
- Barrierarmor, Aqua Defense Team
- Barrierbara, Barrier Phantom
- Basara
- Basic Card
- Basic Card Gallery
- Basoabisu, Abyss Demon Dragon
- Bat Doctor, Shadow of Undeath
- Batocross Battle, Passion Dragon
- Batorai Bushin, Blazing Deluxe
- Batorai Edge, Blazing Sword
- Batorai Keep, Blazing Castle
- Batoraio, Victory Blastdragon
- Batorash Knuckle, Blastdragon
- Batou Shoulder, Shadow of Fiction
- Batrevenge, Passion Dragon
- Battle
- Battle Cross Aini, Sky Lord Dragonmech
- Battle Zone
- Battleship Mutant
- Bazagaberg "Hayate" Dragon
- Bazagazeal Dragon
- Bearfugan, Super Beast Army
- Bearkodash, Bears Style
- Bearsir, Beast Army
- Bearta, Nomadic Bodyguard
- Bearta, Wandering Bodyguard
- Beast Command
- Beast Folk
- Beast Folk Go
- Beautician, Viral Lord of Fear
- Beethoven, Zenith of "Horror"
- Beetle Moguttan
- Beetleda, Armored Insect Mecha King
- Bega, Vizier of Shadow
- Beginning Romanov, Lord of the Demonic Eye
- Beinz Sayla, Cleansing Light Guardian
- Belbale, Snow Faerie
- Belbel, Reaper Doll
- Belix, the Explorer
- Bell Hell De Gaul, Footprint of the Reaper
- Bell Hell De Jackson, Monstrous Reaper
- Bell Hell De Linne, Footprint Demon Dragon
- Bell Hell De Morry, Evernight Reaper
- Bell Hell De Skull, Moon Reaper
- Bell the Elemental
- Belufare, Great Cathedral
- Belufare, Time Palace
- Benijishi Spider
- Benkei, the Wandering Cloud
- Benkei Burning
- Bennett, Dark Armor
- Bennu, Bird of Fire
- Benzo, the Hidden Fury
- Berlin, Bell Gravekeeper
- Beroringa, Third Seed
- Berserk, Sanctuary Odin
- Berserker
- Betis, Light Divine Dragon
- Betrayal Dragoon
- Bex, the Oracle
- Beyond the Beyond
- Bg Newton Custom Panzer, Dragment Symbol
- Bhutan, Piggy Blues
- Bhutan Judgment
- Bhutan POP, Shenton
- Bhutan Reincarnation
- Bhuttovarz, Demon Dragon King
- Big Bang Festival Life, D of Revolution
- Big Day Out, Holy Evil Demon
- Big Muscle
- Big Nasdeen, Great Veggie King
- Bilgias, Hardened Demon of Hellfire