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Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Light Civilization
ひかり (Hikari)
Category for Light.

The Light Civilization is a civilization.


It is distinguished by a yellow color frame and is represented by a symbol of 3 circles composed of several smaller circles.


Shared Races[]

(A race marked with ☆ appears in all civilizations.)

Unique Abilities[]

Ability: Example cards:
Creature Tap Holy Awe
Miele, Vizier of Lightning
Self Untap Ruby Grass
Toel, Vizier of Hope
Shield Addition Sundrop Armor
DNA Spark
Spell Search Belix, the Explorer
Phal Eega, Dawn Guardian



Cards that support Light Civilization cards

Support Card: Card Effect:
Agapitos, Alignment Elemental ■ When this enters the battle zone, search your deck for Light creatures that cost 3 or less and put one into the battle zone. Then shuffle your deck.

■ Whenever one of your Light creatures that cost 3 or less enter the battle zone, tap an untapped creature that has the lowest power.

Aquan ■ When this enters the battle zone, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Put all Light and Darkness cards from among them into your hand and put the rest into your graveyard.
Deepsea Mecha Ganistar ■ Your Light and Darkness creatures cost 1 less to summon. They can't cost less than the number of that creature's civilizations.
Fluorogill Manta ■ Each of your Light creatures and Darkness creatures can't be blocked.
Glaris, Electro-Elemental ■ Your Light and Water creatures get "Can't be attacked".
God Earth Leopard ■ When this enters the battle zone, you may search your deck for a Light creature or Light god, reveal one and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Legacy Shell ■ Each of your Light creatures and Fire creatures gets "Power Attacker +3000".
Metalbug, Saint Beetle ■ Your Light and Fire creatures cost 1 less to summon. They can't cost less than the number of that creature's civilizations.
Re Bil, Seeker of Archery ■ Each of your other Light creatures gets +2000 power.
Ra Vu, Seeker of Lightning ■ Whenever this attacks, you may search your graveyard for a Light spell and return one to your hand.


Cards supported by Light Civilization cards

Supported Card: Card Effect:
Brock, the Screw Soldier ■ Gets -1000 power for each Light or Water creature.
Choice of Destiny ■ If you have a Light creature in your hand, one of your creatures gets "Untap at the end of the turn" until the end of the turn.
Colonel Koala, Forest Commander Icon OverDrive Over Drive L1: When this enters the battle zone, one of your creatures gets "Double Breaker" until the end of the turn.
Galberius Dragon ■ If there is a Light creature, untap this at the end of your turn.
Gardening Drive Icon OverDrive Over Drive L1: Search your mana zone for a spell and add it to your hand.
Invincible Aura ■ If all cards in your mana zone are Light, this costs 5 less to cast.
Parshia, the Explorer ■ While all cards in your mana zone are Light, this gets +2500 power and "Blocker".
Ur Pale, Seeker of Sunlight ■ If all cards in your mana zone are Light, this gets +2000 power.

Anti-Light Cards[]

Anti-Light Civilization cards

Card: Card Effect:
Betrayal Dragoon ■ When this enters the battle zone, your opponent destroys one of their Light or nature creatures.
Galklife Dragon ■ When this enters the battle zone, destroy all Light creatures that have less than 6000 power.
Soul Stealing Vacuum ■ One of your opponent's creatures gets -4000 power until the end of the the turn. If the creature is a Light or Nature creature, that creature also gets -9000 power.
Vacuum Gel ■ Destroy one of your opponent's untapped Light or Nature creatures.


(This gallery is an example of a card of each card type in the Light Civilization.)

Light Icon Light16 Water Icon Water16 Darkness Icon Darkness16 Fire Icon Fire16 Nature Icon Nature16
Zero Zero
2 Color Allied: LWLNWDDFFN
5 Color Light Water Darkness Fire Nature