Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Jack Valdy, the Everlasting
Jack Valdy, the Everlasting
Japanflag Japanese (base): 永遠のジャック・ヴァルディ
Civilizations: Darkness Icon Darkness16 / Fire Icon Fire16
Card Type: Evolution Creature Evolution Creature
Mana Cost: 4
Race: Spirit Quartz
English Text:

EvolutionMulticolored creature

■ When this enters the battle zone, destroy one of your opponent's non-multicolored creatures that costs 5 or less or put one of your opponent's non-multicolored cross gear that costs 5 or less into their graveyard.

Icon DoubleBreaker16 Double Breaker

Japanese Text:

■ 進化-多色クリーチャー

■ バトルゾーンに出た時、相手の多色でないコスト5以下のクリーチャー1体を破壊するか、相手の多色でないコスト5以下のクロスギアを墓地に置く。

Icon DoubleBreaker16 W・ブレイカー

Power: 7000
Flavor Texts: 永刻の女王と永遠の王子。並び立つ二つの存在が並みいる敵を殲滅させる。 (DMPP-08EX)
お前はオレの大切なもんを傷つけた。それがお前の罪だぜ。――メリオダス (Prize)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrators: kou1
CV: 梶川翔平
Craft: 300
Disassemble: 70 (Premium: 200)


Card Adjustments[]

  • (September 30, 2021) Can also put one of your opponent's non-multicolored cross gear that costs 5 or less into their graveyard.