Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Elixia, Brute Elemental
Elixia, Brute Elemental
Japanflag Japanese (base): 剛撃聖霊エリクシア
Japanflag Phonetic: Gogeki Seirei Erikushia
Civilizations: Light Icon Light16 / Nature Icon Nature16
Card Type: Creature Creature
Mana Cost: 7
Races: Angel Command / Giant
English Text:

​​Blocker Blocker

Powered Breaker Powered Breaker

■ This gets +3000 power for each civilization in your mana zone.

Japanese Text:

​​Blocker ブロッカー

Powered Breaker パワード・ブレイカー

■ 自分のマナゾーンにある文明ひとつにつきパワーを+3000する。

Power: 3000+
Flavor Text: 文明の頂点に立つ二つの種族が手を取り合った時、測り知れない力が生まれ、世界を震わせた。When the two races standing at the pinnacle of civilization joined hands, an unfathomable power was born, shaking the world. (DMPP-03)
Mana Number: 1
Illustrator: Ishibashi Yosuke
CV: 木村隼人
Craft: 2400
Disassemble: 600 (Premium: 1700)

