Dragheart Creature ドラグハート・クリーチャー (Doraguhāto Kurīchā) | |
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Dragheart Creature is a Dragheart creature card type.
A Dragheart Creature is put in the Hyperspatial Zone at the start of the game. You can have only have 8 cards in your hyperspatial zone and they are counted separately from your main deck of 40 cards. At anytime during a duel you are allowed to look at your opponent's hyperspatial zone.
Each creature with the Draguner race has an ability that puts an Dragheart from your hyperspatial zone into the battle zone.
- The cost of the Dragheart they can put into the battle zone is determined by their cost and is triggered from their Mana Arms ability word.
A Dragheart Creature card is a Double Sided Card, featuring the Dragheart Weapon on the lower costing side, and a Dragheart Creature on the higher costing side. When the cheaper side activates its Dragsolution ability by fulfilling its conditions, you may flip the card over to its Dragheart Creature side.
Currently, each Dragheart Creature card has a Command Dragon race.
(These cards are an example of Dragheart Creature cards from DMPP-21 THE OVER ROYALE.)
List of Dragheart Creatures[]