Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
Duel Masters PLAY'S Wiki
文明ぶんめい (Bunmei)
Category: Civilization

Civilization is a gameplay characteristic in the Duel Masters Play's digital card game.


They are represented on the cards by their civilization symbols and the color of the cards:

Civilization: Symbol: Color:
Light Civilization Icon Light16 Yellow
Water Civilization Icon Water16 Blue
Darkness Civilization Icon Darkness16 Black
Fire Civilization Icon Fire16 Red
Nature Civilization Icon Nature16 Green

Each card in the game has at least one civilization with the civilizations being very important when summoning creatures or casting spells.

To pay towards the cost of a card, you must have at least 1 mana of the same civilization in your mana zone of the card you wish to use.

There are also multicolored cards, cards with at least 2 civilizations.

List of Civilizations[]

Light Civilization Icon Light16[]

The Light Civilization is distinguished by a yellow color frame and is represented by 3 circles composed of several smaller circles.

Water Civilization Icon Water16[]

The Water Civilization is distinguished by a blue color frame and is represented by a cylinder with electronic design.

Darkness Civilization Icon Darkness16[]

The Darkness Civilization is distinguished by a black color frame and is represented by a color-coded black and white mask with horns.

Fire Civilization Icon Fire16[]

The Fire Civilization is distinguished by a red color frame and is represented by the symbol of a gear.

Nature Civilization Icon Nature16[]

The Nature Civilization is distinguished by a green color frame and is represented by 2 overlapping zigzags.

Colorless Zero[]

Colorless cards are distinguished by a white color frame. They were released in DMPP-18 GOLDEN VICTORY.

The Zero Civilization is represented by a white crystal-like 6 point star on its mana number.


Multicolored cards are distinguished by a rainbow-colored frame and are represented by the multiple civilizations used on it. Multicolored cards are cards with 2 or more different civilizations.

Multicolored cards can be any type of card and similar to the single civilizations, also require at least one of both civilizations in your mana zone. A multicolored Fire and Nature creature such as Gonta, the Warrior Savage requires at least 1 Fire Civilization mana and 1 Nature Civilization mana to be summoned.

Light Icon Light16 Water Icon Water16 Darkness Icon Darkness16 Fire Icon Fire16 Nature Icon Nature16
Zero Zero
2 Color Allied: LWLNWDDFFN
5 Color Light Water Darkness Fire Nature