This category is for cards that have the Shield Trigger keyword.
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All items (405)
- Ba Keen, Super-electric Engineer
- Bals, Halfgod Elemental
- Baronarde, Glorious Wings
- Batocross Battle, Passion Dragon
- Bearta, Nomadic Bodyguard
- Bell Hell De Skull, Moon Reaper
- Benkei Burning
- Benkei, the Wandering Cloud
- Betis, Light Divine Dragon
- Betrayal Dragoon
- Beyond the Beyond
- Bhutan Judgment
- Bhutan Reincarnation
- Blackdia Panic!
- Blade of Mutual Fall
- Blazing Tiger, Crimson Lord
- Blue Dragon Earth
- Bolmeteus Returns
- Bolmeteus White Flare
- Boltail Dragon
- Bonds of Justice
- Bone Skull, Invader
- Box, Invader
- Brad's Cutter
- Brain Serum
- Bukkomi Hedgehog
- Bultratops, Leaf Wind Kind
- Burst Shot
- Burst Totem
- Cannon Shell
- Cannonball Sling
- Cannoneer Bargon
- Captain Mechagoron
- Carat Agecchi
- Cardosaur
- Carues, Vizier of Containment
- Cauldron Shell
- Celeste, Explosive Enforcer
- Chain Deathmatch
- Chaka Nguruma
- Chake's Kecak
- Cheer of Rising Nature
- Christie Gate
- Civil Bind
- Claude, Special Investigation Agent
- Clauze Zeta, Death Count
- Cloned Deflector
- Comet Missile
- Command of the Gang Leader
- Commander Techmagerter
- Control Fire, Fire-Fighting Machine
- Corteo, Spirit Knight
- Cosmic Darts
- Cosmos, Purity Faerie
- Counterattacking Silent Spark
- Crimson Commune
- Critical Blade
- Cross Aini
- Crossheim, Gold Elemental
- Crystal Memory
- Curse of Resurrection and Clash
- Cursed Ingression
- Cursedmare, Savage Demon
- Cutie Heart
- Cyber Book
- Cyber Hand
- Cyber I Choice
- Cyber Tune
- Dacity Dragoon, Explosive Beast
- Dark Reversal
- Dark Sanji, Reaper
- Darkness Southern
- Datura, Shadow Faerie
- Deadly Love
- Death Chaser
- Death Circle, the Explosive Shadow
- Death Gate, Gate of Hell
- Death Hands, Misfortune Emperor
- Death Harp
- Deep Operation
- Deis Adhara Dragoon
- Demon Wolf, Betrayal Moonlight Castle
- Demon Wolf, Howling Moonlight Castle
- Devil Hand
- Dig Here Woof Woof
- Dimension Gate
- DNA Spark
- Dogiragon Chance
- Dokindam Chance
- Dondon Vacuuming Now
- Dracobarrier
- Dragment Slot
- Dragon Pulse Technique - Fortress Destroyer
- Dragon Pulse Technique, Water Spirit Strategy
- Dragon's Sign
- Drill Trap
- Drone, Space
- Duenurse, Three Extremes
- Gachanko Sign
- Gachanko, Minirobo No.2
- Gaga Kolorin, Capture Special Machine
- Gallia Zohl, Iron Guardian Q
- Game of Death
- Genius Disaster
- Genius' Big Answer
- GENJI Blaster
- Get Wild
- Ghost Pirates
- Ghost Touch
- Gigaling Q
- Girls Journey
- Globa Live, Greatest Showman
- Global Navigation
- Glory Snow
- Glory Stone
- God Gate
- God Signal
- Good Luck Happy Manecky
- Grave Deal, Shadow of Pure Flame
- Great Reversal of Reality and Death
- Gregorian Worm
- Grudge Gathering
- Guarda, Purgatory Soldier
- Gutsun Pilucci
- Happiness Bell
- Heart Meracchi
- Heaven's Double Tail
- Heaven's Force
- Heaven's Gate
- Hell's Scrapper
- Hero Mystery, Burning Galaxy
- Highest Press
- Hogan Blaster
- Hols, Halfdemon Nightmaster
- Holy Awe
- Holy, Flash Guardian
- Honedevil, Dark Armor
- Honetan, Bone Surface Puppet
- Hundred Eyes, Secret Spirit Treasure
- Hunter Cluster
- Hurlosaur
- Hydro Commune
- Hyperspatial Surprise Hole