This category is for cards that have a Mana Cost of 3.
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Vegas Dollar, Roaring Eureka X -
Savage, Forbidden U -
Endless Puppet, Lord of Magic -
Energy Stream -
Insulate, Forbidden W -
Mystery Captain Fleet -
Faerie Miracle -
Cyber Tune
All items (618)
- Ahni, Assault Hero
- Aldron, Striking Battle Dragon
- Alice, Hacqueen
- Amitabha Hand
- Andorom, Chanting Wings
- Andro Saver, Martyrdom Wings
- Angel Feather
- Angler Cluster
- Antoinette, Beautiful Battle Dragon Princess
- Apology Gift, Mini Scrapper
- Aqua Anchor
- Aqua Blade, Blue Wolf
- Aqua Cascade (ZABUUUN Cruiser)
- Aqua Hulcus
- Aqua Hulfort
- Aqua Jolter
- Aqua Professor
- Aqua Soldier
- Aqua Sonicwave
- Aqua Spy
- Aqua Strummer
- Aqua Super Emeral
- Aqua Transer
- Aqua Witch
- Aquan Jr.'s Delivery
- Ardent Lunatron
- Arena Kamone, Firefighting of D
- Ares Dragoon
- Asra, Vizier of Safety
- Astimart, Lord of Devils
- Automobile Man
- Baby Zoppe
- Ballcadeias Charger
- Banjo, Fierce Captain
- Barnian, Divine Enforcer
- Baronarde, Glorious Wings
- Barrier of Revolution
- Barrierarmor, Aqua Defense Team
- Bat Doctor, Shadow of Undeath
- Batorai Edge, Blazing Sword
- Batou Shoulder, Shadow of Fiction
- Bearsir, Beast Army
- Beetle Moguttan
- Beetleda, Armored Insect Mecha King
- Belbel, Reaper Doll
- Benkei Burning
- Bennett, Dark Armor
- Bex, the Oracle
- Beyond the Beyond
- Bhutan Judgment
- Bhutan Reincarnation
- Birdman, Aqua Agitator
- Bisecting Skullcedony
- Biwanoshin, Wandering Travelers
- Blacko, Dragon Soul Palace
- Blossom Shower
- Bluenika, Dragon Soul Fortress
- Boleas, Bird of Fire
- Bonbaku Tiger, Bomb Cluster
- Bone Amigo, the Undead Reaper
- Bone Dance Charger
- Bone Spider
- Boulder of Revolution
- Brain Touch
- Breiga, the Wicked Protector
- Bronze-Arm Tribe
- Bullet "Shirou" Barrett
- Bullet Shizuka Barrett
- Burial Worm, the Burying Insect
- Buster Charger
- Butch Beads, Guerrilla Division
- Buu, the Invoked
- Bye Bye Amoeba
- Calgo, Vizier of Rainclouds
- Call for Dragons
- Candy Cluster
- Candy Drop
- Canimbe, Oracle Guardian
- Cannon - Hydro Bazooka
- Captain Hustle
- Captain Super-Rescue
- Carbine, Explosive Fighter
- Carina, Izanai's Mantra
- Carnage, Lord of the Dark Path
- Carol, Gokigen Shout
- Cavalry General Curatops
- Cavern Raider
- Cebu Dione
- Chain Arm Tribe
- Chake's Kecak
- Chanting Clineko
- Cheer of Rising Nature
- Cheering Pippi
- Child Festival of Faerie Fire
- Chokirabi, Scissors Phantom
- Choppurun, Love Love Guardian
- Chorochu, Forty Body
- Christie Gate
- Chusha Jusha
- Clap, Defender of Hope
- Cloned Deflector
- Cloned Spiral
- Cobalt Hulcus, Aqua Savage
- Cobble, Familia's Bonds
- Cocco Gett, Dragment Lore
- Cocco Lupia
- Coccolua, Holy Dragon Wings
- Colonel Koala, Forest Commander
- Comet Charger
- Copper Locust
- Cosmos, Purity Faerie
- Cratersaur
- Crimson Commune
- Crimson Lord Volca, the Explosive
- Crusade Charger
- Cutthroat Skyterror
- Cyber Tune
- Cyclone, Eureka
- Dalmandy, Snow Fortress
- Dark Division, Demonic Eye Beast
- Dark Lupia
- Darkness Dober
- Dash Charger
- Davidson, Sonic
- Deep Juggler
- Deepsea Dober
- Deepsea Douzan
- Deepsea Mecha Ganistar
- Demon Wolf, Soul Eating Moonlight Castle
- Diamondia, the Blizzard Rider
- Digorpion, Ground Digging Snakekind
- Dimension Gate
- Dimension Splitter
- Diodester, Dark Armor
- Dione
- Disaster Charger
- Divine Machine Armor Valborg
- Divine Punishment of Heaven
- Dogarn, the Marauder
- Doll Finn, Burial Guardian
- Don Kinoff, Mystic Light Doll
- Donna Dona, Remnant of the Jungle
- Doremi Twelve, Time 1
- Dorgedos, the Reaper Drake
- Doterabara, Phantom Mirror
- Double Cross Charger
- Double Reset Punch
- Dracobarrier
- Dragon Flare Egg
- Dragon Gear - Sengoku Topper Armor
- Dragon Pulse Technique - Fortress Destroyer
- Dragonic Pippi
- Drain Worm, the Parasite
- Dual Matasa, Rashin Soldier
- Duema Ogre! Kikuchi, Assistant Instructor
- Dunas, Spirit Knight
- Eagle Cargo, Guardian Treasure
- Edgar King Lion, Amazing Artiste
- Effia, White Knight Oracle
- Electro Explorer Syrion
- Elephaust, Phantom Beast Sage
- Emperor Himiko
- Emperor Junior
- Emperor Maribel
- Endbringer Dragoon
- Endless Puppet, Lord of Magic
- Endra Pappi
- Energy Charger
- Energy Stream
- Engage Charger
- Enriching Worm
- Euru=Bucca, Mystery Gathering Ruins
- Evol Meracchi
- Exhaust, Forbidden W
- Explosion of Ruby and Jade
- Explosive Dude Joe
- Explosive Trooper Zalmez
- Faerie Crystal
- Faerie Gift
- Faerie Miracle
- Faerie Power
- Faerie Trap
- Fanbai, Dragon Flower Fan
- Fasola, Time 2
- Fatal Attacker Horvath
- Father Earth
- Fear Fang
- Fists of Forever
- Five Star Blaster
- Forefront Double Cross Shogunate
- Fortress NEX, Assault Fortress
- Franz the 1st, the Ice Fang
- Freezing Icehammer
- Fresh Lemon, Bravery Faerie
- Frill, Karma's Brightness
- Frost, Aqua Soldier
- Full Throttle Sergeant
- Fullmetal Lemon, Brave King Mecha
- Funk, Defender of Hope
- Funnoo, Bloody Winds Officer