This category is for cards that have the Double Breaker keyword.
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Zero Phoenix, Darkness Enlightened Phoenix -
Henza, Mfalme Kijana -
Linnevenus, M Demon Dragon -
Blackout, ZERO Invasion -
Colorful Bell, Great Sound -
Dark Masters, Demon Dragon -
General Briking, Super Deluxe -
Galloween, Super Revenge
All items (743)
- Abare Max, Violencekind
- Abdullah Flame Dragon
- Acid, Sacred Execution
- Adamski, S-Rank Space
- Aeropica
- Agapitos, Alignment Elemental
- Agapitos, Lord of Dragon Spirits
- Akashic First, Electro-Dragon
- Aku, Ultimate God
- Alexander the 3rd, Emperor of the Demonic Eye
- Algros Crusos, Super Divine Dragon
- Alligator, the Awakened Flower Beast
- Almeric, Prophecy Elemental
- Alternative, Sacred Cavalry
- Altimus, Light Divine Dragon
- Amaterasu Seraphina, Channeler of Suns
- Ambitious Dragon
- Aqua Attack
- Aqua Attack (BAGOOON Panzer)
- Aqua Excalibur, the Awakened Indigo Swordsman
- Aqua Intelligence 3rd G
- Aqua Sniper
- Arashi, Cross Boy
- Armored Blaster Valdios
- Armored Raider Gandaval
- Asra, Vizier of Safety
- Assault, Revolution Dragon
- Asteroid Luxus, Light Comet
- Astrocomet Dragon
- Asura, the Great Enigma
- Asylum, Elemental Dragon Knight
- Auravine, Earth's Grasp
- Auzesu, Demonic Elemental
- Avalanche Giant
- Avalas, Lord of Spirits
- Baban Ban Ban, Earth's Blessing
- Back to the Ore, Zenith of "Ten Tail"
- Baiken, Blue Divine Dragon
- Balga Raiser, the Dragonic Meteor
- Balhols, Demonic Elemental
- Ballom Emperor, Lord of Demons
- Baron Spade, Invader
- Basoabisu, Abyss Demon Dragon
- Batocross Battle, Passion Dragon
- Batoraio, Victory Blastdragon
- Batorash Knuckle, Blastdragon
- Bazagaberg "Hayate" Dragon
- Bazagazeal Dragon
- Bearta, Wandering Bodyguard
- Bell Hell De Gaul, Footprint of the Reaper
- Bell Hell De Jackson, Monstrous Reaper
- Bell Hell De Linne, Footprint Demon Dragon
- Bell the Elemental
- Belufare, Great Cathedral
- Belufare, Time Palace
- Beroringa, Third Seed
- Bg Newton Custom Panzer, Dragment Symbol
- Bhutan, Piggy Blues
- Bhuttovarz, Demon Dragon King
- Big Day Out, Holy Evil Demon
- Big Nasdeen, Great Veggie King
- Black Psycho, Revenge
- Black WILLOW Kaiser
- Blackout, ZERO Invasion
- Blade Liger
- Blazing Boss! Vals Kaiser
- Blizzard Moon, the Enlightened
- Bloodwing Mantis
- Bluum Erkis, Flare Guardian
- Bolbalzak "Sword Flash" Dragon
- Bolbalzak Ex
- Bolgalshack, Super Divine Dragoon
- Bolgress Bazz, Matchless Dragon Machine
- Bolmeteus "Kensei" Dragon
- Bolmeteus "Young Musha" Dragon, Temporal Samurai
- Bolmeteus Black Dragon
- Bolmeteus Musha Dragon
- Bolmeteus Red Dragoon
- Bolmeteus Steel Dragon
- Bolshack Dragon
- Bolshack Dragon, the Temporal Blaze
- Bolshack Speed Dragon
- Bolshack Superhero
- Bolshack Yamato Dragon
- Bolsred Fire Dragon
- Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny
- British ROCK, Shentonginus
- British ROLL, Hell Tonginus
- British, Hell Blues
- Brittany, Vanquish Lance
- Bruce, Dead or Alive
- Bruiser Kunugi
- Buddhi, Three Kingdoms
- Bumble
- Bumblebee, Cybertron Information Officer
- Butssubu Tops, Multilateral Impact
- Canopus, Blue Divine Dragon
- Capricorn, Earth's Reflection
- Captain ZAGAAN, Knight of Darkness
- Cattonfa, Beast Army
- Cerulean Dagger Dragon
- Cg Daisharin, Dragment Symbol
- Chainsaw, Revenge
- Chan Bell, Channeler of Suns
- Change the World, Blue Divine Dragon
- Chemical Prodigy, Sublimity Finest God
- Cheuxvelt, Awakened Demonic Elemental
- Churentenhou, Art Hero
- Claudius, Prayer Elemental
- Codefight Alibi Trick
- Codefight Misdirection
- Codeking Cantabile
- Codeking Khachaturian
- Codeking Number Nine
- Codename Aegis
- Codename Balga Ragon
- Codename Bazagaze Ragon
- Codename Bourne
- Codename Dread Blood
- Codename Ethan
- Codename Hungry Elegance
- Codename Oreore Lionel
- Codename Orewaleo
- Codename Snake
- Codename Sorge
- Codename Yabasgil Skill
- Codenight Black of Lionel
- Codenight Congratulation
- Codenight June Bride
- Codenight Oreore Darkness
- Colorful Bell, Great Sound
- Commander Technobuster
- Commanduo, Order Dragon Elemental
- Convoy, Awakened Commander
- Cosmo Cebu Lambda, the Super Electromagnetic
- Cosmoview Lunatron
- Craze Valkyrie, the Drastic
- Crimson GENJI Double Cross, the Swordmaster Awakened
- Crimson Mega Dragoon
- Crossfire the 2nd, Billionaire
- Crossfire, Millionaire
- Cruel Naga, Avatar of Fate
- Crystal Axe
- Crystal Jouster
- Crystal Lancer
- Crystal Super Paladin
- Cyber D Geza
- Cyber G Hogan
- Cyber J Eleven
- Cyber N World
- Cyber T Crown
- Cyber W Spiral
- Cylinder, Revolution Dragon Formula
- Dabullraizer, Ambush Captain
- Daddy Pine, Super Beast Army
- Daft Punk, Demon Right God
- Daidalos, General of Fury
- Daigoku Ogre, Brave of Disaster
- Dairyugan, Turbulent Colonel
- Daison, Sea Emperor
- Daisushidora, Nitrous Sky Ship
- Danjurou, the Awakened Battle Ogre
- Dark Hydra, Evil Planet Lord
- Dark Masters, Demon Dragon
- Dark Salamandaz, White Tiger Swordsman
- Darkness Ganveet, the Assassin Awakened
- DarthRayne, Dream Knight
- Dawn Giant
- Dead Dollar, S-Rank Zombie
- Dead Guerrilla, S-Rank Zombie
- Dead Ryusei, Eternal Demon Dragon
- Deadman=THE END, Dragon Ruler Dragon
- Deal, Mechanic
- Death April, the Awakened Requiem
- Death Arcadia, Devil Saint
- Death Gate, Hell Demon Dragon
- Death Phoenix, Avatar of Doom
- Deathblade Beetle
- Deathliger, Lion of Chaos
- Dekaburu, Izanai's Bonds
- Demonkazura, Evil Revolutionary Grudge Weed
- Deratto Ballad, Matchless Divine Destruction
- Descartes Q, Logic Hero
- Destinia, Crystal Evil Dragon
- Destiny Ryusei of Fate
- Devo, Twin Demon Left God
- Diablost, the Shady General
- Diajigoku, Annihilation Demon Dragon
- Diamond Glorius, Light Divine Dragon
- Dias Zeta, the Temporal Suppressor
- Dice Dice, Super Eureka
- Diehard Ryusei of Invincibility
- Digorpion, Ground Digging Snakekind
- Diofence, Lord of Dragon Spirits
- Divine Machine Armor Valborg
- Doboulgyser, Giant Rock Beast
- Dogiragon Silver of Fate
- Dokindam BLACK
- Dolgeza, Strong Striker